Meeting Gets Started. |
Phil Tells Us About Upcoming Meetings. |
Me and Neal. I Think I'm Taller. |
Your Host. Any Wrinkles, Sagging or any other Imperfections are from Camera Flash! |
Koby Koranteng Tells About himself and Bespoke Audio. |
Koby Setting Up Skype. |
Koby Koranteng HiFi Logic. |
Besoke and Uptone LS-2 linear power supply for Mac Mini. |
Bespoke On Display With Flight Case. |
Bespoke PreAmp Inside. |
Bespoke Volume Knob Close Up. |
Al gives us another Roon spiel again. He must own stock in the company! |
Where Is Everybody? |
Grumpy Old Men. I mean that with greatest respect! |
Phil. |