Thanks, Merrill. Very very nice system, but I would like to have also heard a system would with only one of his stereo amplifiers driving speakers. Something more realistic that most people might have in their systems. |
Very nice of Merrill to host our wild bunch for the first time. His main system had a lot going for it, but the narrow sweet spot resulted in a schizophrenic presentation. I would like to hear his electronics w/ different speakers. |
System had very good definition and transit response. If you sat in the sweet spot there was good front to back depth and imaging.
However I felt there was a a slightly hard sound overall especially if played too loud.
I have heard the amps in my own system and do not think the problem is the amps at all. I would look towards either the crossover,
and or speakers. |
Great sounds, great music, great food and great company.

Regardless of the narrow sweet spot the system had really good sound.

Jim, once I have my system all settled you will have to come over so you can hear Merrill's amps with my B&W 802D speakers. |
The biamped Sanders setup wrapped us in music. |
Very good meeting. As always Merrill was a most generous host. His downstairs system was very high quality. The lag time playing a CD with the computer based system gave me pause, but once loaded the sound was quite fine. |
Great meeting! Impressive SOTA system downstairs, and real-world affordable rig upstairs. Thank you, Merril, for hosting. |
amazing system and bgreat c hance to hear Merrill's DSD files |