NJAS Logo NJAS Meeting On Dec 7, 2014
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About Us The New Jersey Audio Society was established in the 1980s as a group interested in high performance audio playback. We encourage and welcome anyone interested in high performance playback systems from 78's to DXD/8xDSD to join and participate through active membership. Annual dues are currently $80. Membership includes a subscription to The Source, the publication of the New Jersey Audio Society, and invitations to attend meetings as well as to communicate through the submission of material or letters for publication in the newsletter and participate in our newsgroup site on the web.

We try to vary our meeting content among product demonstrations, music, instructional meetings (tweaks, room treatments, DIY, etc.) and just plain hanging out and listening to music on members’ systems. As examples, we have had demonstrations by manufacturers of high-end audio equipment, visits by recording engineers (including playback and mixing of master tapes), special meetings at dealers’ facilities, component and speaker builder meetings where some members who build speakers and electronic components have discussed and shown their designs, meetings dedicated to demonstrations of and discussions relating to vintage audio equipment, and demonstrations from professional musicians of their instruments and discussions of recordings of the great performers on those instruments. We also have annual summer picnic and year-end holiday party meetings.

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Meeting Info...
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Meeting Photos
Photo 0
Father Richard addresses the crowd
Photo 1
Speaker design 101
Photo 2
Let's eat!
Photo 3
Time to eat.
Photo 4
First arrivals
Photo 5
Alan and Bob have words.
Photo 6
Father Richard our gracious host!
Photo 7
Alan Chambers "Garbage Can" paternal twin mono blocks.
Photo 8
Photo 9
Photo 10
Close up of main speaker.
Photo 11
Passive crossover for mids and highs.
Photo 12
Father Richard's portable system. I might buy this for my 84 year old mother!
Photo 13
Photo 14
Photo 15
Igor handsomely posing next to his stuff.
Meeting Comments
Brother Richard had an exciting and wonderful demonstration along with Igor's system. I would hope that in the future we could have crowd containment to remain quite during his demo's. Having excessive talk in the background during these demo's is very frustrating considering the extended effort he had to make the session work for all of us and us not being able to fully appreciate the quality and expertise of his due to this lowd and unnecessary background chit chat. I will be requesting at future meet
Had a great time at Fr. Richard's. We’re lucky to have such a lively and active audio group. It’s a rarity.
Another year over for the NJAS! Parting is such sweet sorrow... At least there was tons of food!
Great time, good food, good sound from the very different sets of speakers on display
Tons of good eats and music to soothe whatever aches you. What else does an audiophile need? Always a great way to close a great year.
This was like Old Home week for me. I have heard various iterations of the Good Padre's creations than anyone else. Of course my proximity to his abode has something to do with it. It was also nice to hear Alan Chambers amp and Igor's newest creation. The pork roast by the host was terrific as was the fried chicken from outside. Of course the Moberg cheesecake was the king of the dessert hill. I almost forgot to mention that one of the entrée highlights for me was the baked ziti with the burnt ends (like BBQ).
Incredible sound in several itterations! Portable audio that actually sounds good. A pipe organ in the living room! Great music, great people, great food. Also good to hear Igor's latest creations. Very impressive.
this event is always a pleasure of course, though as many noted, the food and drink tend to overwhelm the meeting activities