Very good turnout. Sunil and family were very gracious hosts. He will be at the NY show in Sept., so stop by his room if you can. |
MAD Grand MMs are 91 db efficient. As much as I love the 300B amp - the KT150 tubes provided enough power with headroom to spare. You guys noticed some top end glare - it is mostly gone - I have corner bass traps along with a couple more tricks.

The best part of the meeting was - the meeting after meeting - nice listening session.

Thanks guys - we enjoyed you company. |
Great food & hosts! |
Sunil did a wonderful job of 'stepping in' at the last minute and put on an excellent and entertaining meeting. Wonderful food also! |
I liked this meeting because I like tube amplifiers and also Indian food. Unfortunately the small Allnic single ended 300B amplifiers were not a good match for the speakers being used. Add to this a very noticeable short time reverberation that persisted even with the extra room dampeners. Allnic's rating of 12½ watts for a single 300B is bogus IMO. (8 watts is about it) They're playing numbers games and using other then a continuous sinewave power rating. For a medium efficiency speaker of 90dB, you need more power. I didn't get to hear the larger Allnics which I was told sounded much better. My loss I guess. |
Great meeting, great tube-o-licious sound. |
our host had a superb music room, way beyond merely professional! |