NJAS Logo NJAS Meeting On Jul 20, 2014
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About Us The New Jersey Audio Society was established in the 1980s as a group interested in high performance audio playback. We encourage and welcome anyone interested in high performance playback systems from 78's to DXD/8xDSD to join and participate through active membership. Annual dues are currently $80. Membership includes a subscription to The Source, the publication of the New Jersey Audio Society, and invitations to attend meetings as well as to communicate through the submission of material or letters for publication in the newsletter and participate in our newsgroup site on the web.

We try to vary our meeting content among product demonstrations, music, instructional meetings (tweaks, room treatments, DIY, etc.) and just plain hanging out and listening to music on members’ systems. As examples, we have had demonstrations by manufacturers of high-end audio equipment, visits by recording engineers (including playback and mixing of master tapes), special meetings at dealers’ facilities, component and speaker builder meetings where some members who build speakers and electronic components have discussed and shown their designs, meetings dedicated to demonstrations of and discussions relating to vintage audio equipment, and demonstrations from professional musicians of their instruments and discussions of recordings of the great performers on those instruments. We also have annual summer picnic and year-end holiday party meetings.

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Meeting Comments
Very good turnout. Sunil and family were very gracious hosts. He will be at the NY show in Sept., so stop by his room if you can.
MAD Grand MMs are 91 db efficient. As much as I love the 300B amp - the KT150 tubes provided enough power with headroom to spare. You guys noticed some top end glare - it is mostly gone - I have corner bass traps along with a couple more tricks. The best part of the meeting was - the meeting after meeting - nice listening session. Thanks guys - we enjoyed you company.
Great food & hosts!
Sunil did a wonderful job of 'stepping in' at the last minute and put on an excellent and entertaining meeting. Wonderful food also!
I liked this meeting because I like tube amplifiers and also Indian food. Unfortunately the small Allnic single ended 300B amplifiers were not a good match for the speakers being used. Add to this a very noticeable short time reverberation that persisted even with the extra room dampeners. Allnic's rating of 12½ watts for a single 300B is bogus IMO. (8 watts is about it) They're playing numbers games and using other then a continuous sinewave power rating. For a medium efficiency speaker of 90dB, you need more power. I didn't get to hear the larger Allnics which I was told sounded much better. My loss I guess.
Great meeting, great tube-o-licious sound.
our host had a superb music room, way beyond merely professional!