NJAS Logo NJAS Meeting On Jan 19, 2014
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About Us The New Jersey Audio Society was established in the 1980s as a group interested in high performance audio playback. We encourage and welcome anyone interested in high performance playback systems from 78's to DXD/8xDSD to join and participate through active membership. Annual dues are currently $80. Membership includes a subscription to The Source, the publication of the New Jersey Audio Society, and invitations to attend meetings as well as to communicate through the submission of material or letters for publication in the newsletter and participate in our newsgroup site on the web.

We try to vary our meeting content among product demonstrations, music, instructional meetings (tweaks, room treatments, DIY, etc.) and just plain hanging out and listening to music on members’ systems. As examples, we have had demonstrations by manufacturers of high-end audio equipment, visits by recording engineers (including playback and mixing of master tapes), special meetings at dealers’ facilities, component and speaker builder meetings where some members who build speakers and electronic components have discussed and shown their designs, meetings dedicated to demonstrations of and discussions relating to vintage audio equipment, and demonstrations from professional musicians of their instruments and discussions of recordings of the great performers on those instruments. We also have annual summer picnic and year-end holiday party meetings.

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Meeting Info...
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Meeting Photos
Photo 0
Lampizator DSD only Dac
Photo 1
Robert Witrak of High Definition Tape Transfers with Bob, Al, Jim and Neal
Photo 2
Bob Sellman of DTR Music
Photo 3
Bob Pitz's System
Photo 4
Bob Pitz's System electronics
Photo 5
Exasound e20 MKIII dac and Mac Mini
Photo 6
Exasound e20 MKIII dac
Meeting Comments
I liked the presentation, and it was great for Bob Witrak to be there and share what they do, but when a high-up in the NJAS has to be told to be quiet because people can't hear the guest speaker, that makes the whole organization look bad and is just embarrassing, and could make it harder to get good speakers. I was the first to try the NJAS discount code on the Bob Witrak's web site and it didn't work. But when Bob was made aware of this it got fixed right away and worked fine after that. The quality of the high def tape transfers (192K files) are not bad, and for the price are a good deal.
Witrak and Sellman made this a fascinating and informative meeting. And they brought fantastic source materials from their companies. The High Def Tape Transfers material was particularly great to listen to! Great conversations and access to our knowledgeable guests. Bob P has a great space - it is always fun meeting there.
Everyone seemed to be in a great mood and everything went really well. Thanks to George W., Bob P. and Al M. for organizing another great meeting. The man-cave strikes again!
Great meeting! Really enjoyed the double DSD and DXD recordings. Already downloaded two double DSD albums from "High Def Tape Transfers". They sound really good. Thanks to Bob Witrak for 30% discount! Nothing like listening on your own system and room.
Another meeting to remember. Geo W. made it possible for this simple DAC comparison to go to a whole new level. He added "tapeheads" Bob Witrak and Bob Sellman that are also into HD audio. Their talk kept us in near complete silence. And the recordings available from both are first class.
Made it to Bob's. Wonderful sounding audio system. Gracious host and hostess! The DSD was most interesting, especially since I have yet to download a single Hi-Def track! Does that make me a luddite?
Missed a great one, I hear!
great meeting! whoever invited the guests and put this together did a super job ! :-)